Counting Rectangles Extended

Continuing from last week’s problem about counting squares, let’s look at the related problem of counting the number of rectangles in a grid, with extensions

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Counting Squares Extended

Consider the widely known problem of counting the number of squares in a square grid.  Today we will try to extend the problem.

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Water Jugs

Consider this family of popular puzzles:  You have two empty water jugs with no markings.  One holds exactly 8 liters of water when full, and the other holds 3 liters.  You also have a full tub with an endless supply of water and another large unmarked empty jug of unknown volume.  The goal is to measure out a given volume of water to put into the large jug using the other two jugs.

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Number Bases

The standard number system we use today is called decimal numbers, or base 10, meaning at every digit, we count to 9 before carrying one to the next smallest digit.

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Continued Fractions

A continued fraction is a way to represent any real number as a sequence of integers by writing down the integer part of the real number and taking the reciprocal of the remaining part at each iteration.

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Perfect Numbers

A perfect number is a natural number that is equal to the sum of all of its proper divisors (divisors that are less than the number itself).  For example, 6 is the smallest perfect number because its proper divisors, 1, 2, and 3, add up to exactly 6.

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Splitting LCMs (reworded)

Consider all pairs of natural numbers that add to 9, which pair has the largest possible Least Common Multiple?

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Triangular and Trapezoidal Numbers

Triangular numbers and trapezoidal numbers are both natural numbers that can be expressed as the sum of more than one consecutive natural numbers.

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Connected Lights

Lights connected in a string or a loop, each attached to a switch that will change the state of the light itself and its neighbours when pressed.

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