Connected Lights Continued
Here are 4 connected lights (where flipping one switch on a light will change the state of itself and its neighbours) in a circle, initially all off.
Connected Lights Revisited
Flipping the switch of one light in this chain of connected lights will change the state (on O or off X) of the corresponding light (highlighted) and its immediate neighbours.
Enclosing the Center
If we randomly select 3 vertices of a regular hexagon to form a triangle, what are the respective probabilities that the center of the hexagon is i) inside, ii) outside, iii) on the edge of the triangle?
Lucas Sequences
A Lucas Sequence is made from two starting terms and a recursive formula for the next term using the two previous ones.
Solid Angles
Let’s consider the 3D version of regular planar angles, called solid angles. If an angle can be thought of as a portion of a full circle, then a solid angle is a portion of a full sphere.
Integer Coefficients
Consider expanding this expression: f(x) = (ax+b)(cx+d).
Divisible Sums
Problem of the Week #77: Monday January 20th, 2025As before, these problems are the results of me following my curiosity, and I make no promises regarding the topics, difficulty, solvability…
Line Stitching
Consider all 1 unit long line segments that have an end point on the line y=0 and the other on x=0.
Inscribed Perimeters
If a quadrilateral has 1 vertex on each side of a square of side 1, its smallest possible perimeter is 2sqrt2.
Symmetrical Sets
A set of 3 real numbers satisfies the symmetry that any number added to the product of the other 2 will result in 2. There are 2 such sets: all 1s and all -2s.
Distances to Vertices
In the square below, points that are closer to the center than one of the vertices is coloured yellow. The area of the yellow region is 1/2 of the area of the square.
Number Line Mirrors
Starting with some points on a number line, if we put a mirror somewhere on the number line, it will reflect all existing points in itself so that the resulting set of points are symmetrical around it.
Area-Bisecting Lines
Every line going through the center of a square bisects its area. Does every line going through the center of an equilateral triangle bisect its area too?
Circle-Bisecting Lines
All straight lines that bisect the area of a circle go through its center.
Chord-bisecting Chords
A circle of radius 5 has chord AB with length 6. A second chord is drawn here and is bisected by AB.
Friendly Factor Pairs
The number 6 has two pairs of factors: 2x3 and 1x6. These two pairs of factors are called friendly because the sum of one pair is equal to the difference of the other pair, ie. 2+3 = 6-1 = 5.
Sierpinski Pyramid
Let’s remove the central portion of a regular tetrahedron such that what remains are 4 tetrahedrons each with half of the side length of the original.
Digit Sum Divisors
Consider a natural number N and the sum of its digits S. Let’s call a divisor of S a Digit Sum Divisor of N.
Beads in a Bracelet
We have a bracelet made of yellow and green beads, and we want to divide each coloured beads evenly among friends with the least number of cuts.
Finding Paths
In this 4x4 grid, if we choose two squares, for which pairs of squares can we find a path from one square to the other, moving only vertically or horizontally at each step, and visiting every square in the grid exactly once?
Crossing Numbers
From the list of numbers 1 to n, cross out every other number starting with the smallest and repeat the process with the remaining numbers until only one number is left. What number would that be for a given n?
Probability Thoughts
If the possible fairness of a coin is a continuum, the probability of the coin being exactly fair (50H/50T) is 0. To begin exploring, let’s say the coin can only be rigged heads (100H/0T), fair (50H/50T), or rigged tails (0H/100T).
Nonlinear Arrangements
Here’s an arrangement of the numbers 1 to 4, and what it looks like plotted into a 4x4 grid such that each row corresponds to a number in the arrangement. Notice that the 3 dots on the bottom right form a straight line.
Nonlinear Dots
Here’s a way to put 6 dots into a 3x3 grid such that no 3 dots form a straight line.
Combination Lock
There’s a combination lock with a 3 digit code with no repeated digits, and for each of our attempts to guess the code it tells us the number of correct digits and ones in the correct places.
Folding Squares
If we draw a line through the center of a square, we can fold the square in half along this line. Depending on the angle this line makes with the horizontal, as shown in the diagram, the folded square will have different looks.
Separating Numbers
Here’s one way to put a pair of 1s, a pair of 2s, and a pair of 3s in a row such that the pair of 1s have one number between them, the pair of 2s have two numbers between them, and the pair of 3s have three numbers between them:
Point in a Polygon
For any point inside a square, the sum of the distances from this point to the four sides is half of the perimeter.
Squares in Squares
Let’s draw a smaller square inside a unit square by dividing out a fixed fraction of each side and connecting the dividing point to an opposite angle.
Mod Cycle
Starting with 3, let’s double it and add one (or 2n+1), then modulate the answer by 14 (divide by 14 and take the remainder). If we repeat these two steps, we get the first cycle.
Splitting Ladder
Starting with a natural number at the top, we can split it at each level such that the two lower neighbours always add up to the higher neighbour. Let’s repeat this process until a row can’t be split using whole numbers in the following row anymore.
Jumping Tiles
In the following puzzle, each number indicates the distance (vertically, horizontally, or a combination of both) this tile needs to move. A solution is a rearrangement of all the tiles in the grid that satisfies all the numbers where none of the tiles overlap.
Balancing Numbers
Consider the set of natural numbers 1 to 8. For this set of numbers, 6 is called the balance because the numbers before 6 add up to the same sum as the numbers after 6. In other words, 1+2+3+4+5 = 7+8.
Subtraction Polygons
Consider the subtraction game that goes like this: Write down one whole number at each corner of the square below, then fill in each side with the positive difference the two neighbouring corners and connect the four new numbers in a smaller square. Repeat the subtraction to continue forming new squares in the middle.
Tiling with Rods
The original problem asks for a combination of 1x2 and 1x3 rods that can tile a 5x5 square. Tiling problems have a tendency to get complicated quickly, so let’s start small.
Two-Colourable Triangles
We start with a polygon and a number of points inside it. We are asked to draw line segments between the points to subdivide the entire polygon into triangles.
Fractions of a Square
The original problem asks to cut a square by drawing straight lines between any number of midpoints of sides and corners of the square such that a resulting region is 1/5 of the area of the whole square.
3D Sudoku
Imagine instead of a two dimensional grid, we are now filling a 3D grid made up of nxnxn unit cubes with numbers 1 to n such that every row, column, and depth has exactly one of each number.
Triangles in a Square
This problem is inspired by this geometry puzzle on Twitter. The original problem asks to find the ratio between two equilateral triangles fitted into a square. Let’s generalize it.
Variants of Sudoku
Today let’s explore one of the deviations from the standard sudoku rules that every row, column, and subgrid (excluded so we can generalize to non-perfect-square side lengths) must have exactly one of each number from 1 to n, where n is the side length of the sudoku puzzle. Let’s include the new rule that a valid solution to a sudoku puzzle must also have one of each number in each of its two diagonals.
Square Gluing Topology
Now let’s consider the surfaces we obtain by stretching and gluing the sides of a square together.
Mini Sudoku
Sudoku is a one-player game where the player tries to fill the spaces of an nxn grid using numbers 1 to n, where n is a natural number, such that every column and every row contains exactly one of each number.
Numbers of Polycubes
Let’s define polycubes as three dimensional shapes made up of unit cubes connected by shared faces.
Tiling with Polynominoes
Let’s consider tiling square grids using polynominoes of any number of units.
Perimeters of Polynominoes
If we separate all tetrominoes according to their perimeters, we would have two groups.
Symmetry of Polynominoes
Polynominoes are figures made up of square units connected by edges.
Tiling with Tetrominoes
Let’s consider tiling square grids with tetrominoes. Pieces can be rotated, reflected, and repeated as needed.
Square in Lattice
Consider drawing squares using the lattice points in a grid as vertices.
Complete Scrambles
Consider trying to scramble a string of numbers, say 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, but with the requirement that none of the numbers can end up where they started. Let’s define this as a complete scramble.
Flattening Cubes
We want to flatten the outer shell of a cube without tearing or stretching the surface.
Cube Solids
For all questions in this problem, let’s ignore the effects of gravity, which means higher unit cubes can float in space without lower unit cubes to support them.
Triangle Average Divider
Let’s say instead of “bisecting” the triangle, we draw a line from the top vertex to the base with a length that is the average of the remaining two sides...
Triangle Bisectors
Let’s start with a right triangle with a height of 1 unit and consider two ways of dividing it into two triangles.
Covering Squares
We choose one space in a rectangular grid made of unit squares, and we count the number of squares or rectangles that cover this space.
Mirror Functions
Let’s consider all real valued functions whose inverse is the function itself. Since the graphs of these functions are their own mirror images across the line y=x, let’s define these functions as mirror functions.
Counting Rectangles Extended
Continuing from last week’s problem about counting squares, let’s look at the related problem of counting the number of rectangles in a grid, with extensions
Counting Squares Extended
Consider the widely known problem of counting the number of squares in a square grid. Today we will try to extend the problem.
Water Jugs
Consider this family of popular puzzles: You have two empty water jugs with no markings. One holds exactly 8 liters of water when full, and the other holds 3 liters. You also have a full tub with an endless supply of water and another large unmarked empty jug of unknown volume. The goal is to measure out a given volume of water to put into the large jug using the other two jugs.
Curve Stitching
Starting with a square, choose two points on the perimeter of the square to make a line, and then move both end points incrementally in the same direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) and the same distance along the perimeter of the square to make subsequent lines.
Peg Solitaire
In a game of Peg Solitaire, 32 pegs are arranged in a cross shaped grid with the center peg removed. In each move, the player is allowed to move one peg over another, vertically or horizontally onto an empty space, and remove the peg that was jumped over. The game continues until no legal move is available, and the goal is to have as few pegs remaining as possible when the game ends. A perfect game would end with a single peg back in the center of the board.
Tower of Hanoi
Tower of Hanoi is a one-player game using three vertical rods and a number of disks, all of different diameters. The goal of the game is to move the entire pile of disks onto one of the other two pegs.
Number Bases
The standard number system we use today is called decimal numbers, or base 10, meaning at every digit, we count to 9 before carrying one to the next smallest digit.
Continued Fractions
A continued fraction is a way to represent any real number as a sequence of integers by writing down the integer part of the real number and taking the reciprocal of the remaining part at each iteration.
Perfect Numbers
A perfect number is a natural number that is equal to the sum of all of its proper divisors (divisors that are less than the number itself). For example, 6 is the smallest perfect number because its proper divisors, 1, 2, and 3, add up to exactly 6.
Splitting LCMs (reworded)
Consider all pairs of natural numbers that add to 9, which pair has the largest possible Least Common Multiple?
Triangular and Trapezoidal Numbers
Triangular numbers and trapezoidal numbers are both natural numbers that can be expressed as the sum of more than one consecutive natural numbers.
Sum of Squares
Some numbers can be expressed as the sum of two perfect squares...
Sliding Puzzles
Sliding numbered blocks in a square grid to put them back in numerical order.
Colour Sorting Game
Constructing an unsolvable setup in a colour sorting game.
Connected Lights
Lights connected in a string or a loop, each attached to a switch that will change the state of the light itself and its neighbours when pressed.
Connecting Letters
Connecting letters on the left to their matching letters on the right without crossing any lines.
The card game Seven is one where players take turn extending the numerical sequences of cards in their respective suits.
Irish Snap
Irish Snap is a multiplayer card game using the standard deck of 52 playing cards where each player takes turns laying down one face up card each while counting. I.e. the first person says “ace” while laying down the first card; then the second person says “two” while laying down the next card. This process is repeated until the card that has just been laid down matches the number the person just called. When such a match happens, all players race to slap a hand on top of the pile of cards, and the slowest person has to take the pile into their hand. The first person to empty their hand wins.
Faro Shuffle (in-shuffle)
Doing in-shuffles on a deck of n cards.
Faro Shuffles (Out-Shuffle)
Doing out-shuffles on a deck of n cards.
Cross Sections of Polyhedra
Cutting three dimensional shapes and looking at the possible shapes of the cross section.
Polygons in Polygrams
Each regular polygram has a regular polygon at its center.
Halfing 3D Shapes
Cutting 3D shapes parallel to the base such that the top and bottom resulting portions have the same volume.
Apothem of a Regular Polygon
Is this method of constructing a regular polygon an approximation? or theoretically accurate?
Chicken and Egg
Separating egg-laying chickens from non-egg-laying chickens by keeping them in boxes.
Exact Change
Counting the number of ways to make an exact amount using Canadian coins and bills.
11. 不快乐王子(上)
“等等,你怎么又写我死掉的故事?”灰灰生气地说。 “啊,真的!一不留神就又选了这样的故事。”小丹不好意思地挠了挠脸。“不过别急,这个王子还是这个故事的主角呢。”
Tiling Strips
Tiling a long and narrow gridded strip with square tiles.
那是这个世界唯一的魔法,可以阻挡整个世界的寒冷。小轩隐约记得,里面有温暖的阳光,有带着花香的微风,有鸟叫声,有干净流动的泉水,还有人对他说: “安心住下吧,我会保护你的。”
Hello World from Durtles
Hello! This is a self introduction from Durtles.
孔融看着粉丝转述的父亲的回忆,细细品着字里行间透着的自豪。其实这并不像父亲所说的,是个关于分享和谦让的故事,而是一个关于与人相处和说话方式的故事,但这一点只有孔融自己知道。 就当是细节,忽略不计吧。(687字)
Moon over Water
Moon over Water A rough painting with crayons and pencil crayons on lined A4 paper, of full moon in a clear sky over still water.
A problem about sorting a shuffled set of cards back into the original order
Connect Four
A question about arrangement of coloured chips on a Connect Four board
Splitting LCM
Four problems about splitting a natural number into smaller natural numbers.