Enclosing the Center

If we randomly select 3 vertices of a regular hexagon to form a triangle, what are the respective probabilities that the center of the hexagon is i) inside, ii) outside, iii) on the edge of the triangle?

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Solid Angles

Let’s consider the 3D version of regular planar angles, called solid angles.  If an angle can be thought of as a portion of a full circle, then a solid angle is a portion of a full sphere.

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Inscribed Perimeters

If a quadrilateral has 1 vertex on each side of a square of side 1, its smallest possible perimeter is 2sqrt2.

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Distances to Vertices

In the square below, points that are closer to the center than one of the vertices is coloured yellow.  The area of the yellow region is 1/2 of the area of the square.

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Chord-bisecting Chords

A circle of radius 5 has chord AB with length 6.  A second chord is drawn here and is bisected by AB.

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Sierpinski Pyramid

Let’s remove the central portion of a regular tetrahedron such that what remains are 4 tetrahedrons each with half of the side length of the original.

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Nonlinear Dots

Here’s a way to put 6 dots into a 3x3 grid such that no 3 dots form a straight line.

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Point in a Polygon

For any point inside a square, the sum of the distances from this point to the four sides is half of the perimeter.

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Squares in Squares

Let’s draw a smaller square inside a unit square by dividing out a fixed fraction of each side and connecting the dividing point to an opposite angle.

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3D Sudoku

Imagine instead of a two dimensional grid, we are now filling a 3D grid made up of nxnxn unit cubes with numbers 1 to n such that every row, column, and depth has exactly one of each number.

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