Connecting Letters

Connecting letters on the left to their matching letters on the right without crossing any lines.

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2. 龟兔赛跑的兔子


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The card game Seven is one where players take turn extending the numerical sequences of cards in their respective suits.

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1. 小迪与百科全书


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Irish Snap

Irish Snap is a multiplayer card game using the standard deck of 52 playing cards where each player takes turns laying down one face up card each while counting.  I.e. the first person says “ace” while laying down the first card; then the second person says “two” while laying down the next card.  This process is repeated until the card that has just been laid down matches the number the person just called.  When such a match happens, all players race to slap a hand on top of the pile of cards, and the slowest person has to take the pile into their hand.  The first person to empty their hand wins.

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12. 不快乐王子(下)


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18. 蛇与回家的路


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