Halfing 3D Shapes
Cutting 3D shapes parallel to the base such that the top and bottom resulting portions have the same volume.
Cutting 3D shapes parallel to the base such that the top and bottom resulting portions have the same volume.
Is this method of constructing a regular polygon an approximation? or theoretically accurate?
Separating egg-laying chickens from non-egg-laying chickens by keeping them in boxes.
Counting the number of ways to make an exact amount using Canadian coins and bills.
Tiling a long and narrow gridded strip with square tiles.
Hello! This is a self introduction from Durtles.
Welcome to growadandelion.ca! In this post we will talk about our website features that will get you started whether you are a visitor browsing through the creations we host or a creator looking to share your own with us.
Moon over Water A rough painting with crayons and pencil crayons on lined A4 paper, of full moon in a clear sky over still water.